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Vacancies:,Honorary Visiting Specialists , bilaspur railway

 It is proposed to engage Honorary Visiting Specialists on two hours daily for one year, purely on yearly contract basis, against 04 (Four) ...

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 It is proposed to engage Honorary Visiting Specialists on two hours daily for one year, purely on yearly

contract basis, against 04 (Four) vacancies in Central Hospital/Bi{aspur.

1. Vacancies:

Srl Name of the

No. Hospital



lirs of duty Super Epeciatiit--l

require in the filed I


01 I Central Hospital 04

2 hours a day for 4 days/week 1. Gaslroenterciogy

2 hours a day for 6 days/week _r_2 [qtI$I __ ___ _

2 hours a day for 4 days/week i 3. Neurology

2 hours a day for 4 days/week 4. Oncology

2, Monthly remuneration;

Warking P;rttern

02 Hrs per day / 06 days a week Rs 52,000/-P.M Rs 64,000/-P,M

02 Hrs per day I 04 days a week

02 l'irs per day lA2 days a week Rs 20,000/-P.Ni

3. Education Quatrification: (r) Super Specialist:-Minimum qualification is a Post-Doctoral Qualification DM/MCH or equivalent. (ii) Specialistr- Post Graduate Degree from a recognized University, & a mininrum of 03-years experience in

ffie professrcnal work relaled to concerned specialty, after obtaining PG Degree.

Where suitable candidates wtth PG degree do not become available, PG Diploma holders with 05 years

experience in the professional work related to the concerned Specialty, after oblaining P G Dipioma, may

also be considered.

4. Age timit-Age limit is prescribed between 30 years to 64 years on the date of thls notification. The contract

will cease to exist on the date incumbent attains 65 years of aqe.

5. Contract term: The Contract is for one year from the date of engagement. Extension of contract beyond

one year can be considered on yearly basis as per extant rules. Contract can be terminated by either side at

any time by giving 30 days' notice.

6. Mode of selection - By inviting applications from willing and eliqrble Doctors and scrutiny thereof by a

standing Committee constiluted therefore, Screening of the papers relating to qualification, experience, age

etc. will only be done and the applicants will not be called for physically,

7. How to Apply:- Candidates should apply in the enclosed proforma. One passport size photograph should be

pasted in the specified space on the application from. Another ideniical photograph shoulc be attached aiong

with the application form. Altested photocopy of certificates/ testimonials in support of age, caste,

educationai qualification, professional experience and additional qualifications, if any, should be enclosed

along with the application fbrm.

B, Whom to apply-Willing Doctors fulfilling conditions of age, qualification and professional experience etc, as

above may address their applications to respective Medical Director and send the same to the following

add ress, -

r-For Va;;--=a-s in -f-

Central Hospitai Medical



Bilaspur-495001, (C.G)

Alternatively, application, duly filled in, may be dropped in the boxes provided at the oflice of the Central

l"-lncnit: I

Last date; Last date to reach the applications on the aforc-mentioned address is 01.04,2021. Appiications
