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Draft Procedure for export of sesame seeds to the United States of America

  New Delhi. Asal baat News. The Department of Commerce received a request from Indian Oil Seeds and Produce Export Promotion Council (IOPEP...

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New Delhi.
Asal baat News.

The Department of Commerce received a request from Indian Oil Seeds and Produce Export Promotion Council (IOPEPC) to introduce a procedure for export of sesame seeds like the procedure introduced for the export of sesame seeds to European Union (EU) countries vide DGFT Notification No. 37/2015-20 dated 03rd February, 2016.

The Department intends to finalize the procedure for control of contamination of residues of pesticides in sesame seeds for export to United States of America (USA).

Suggestions/feedback are invited from the stakeholders and members of general public on the ‘Draft Procedure for control of contamination of residues of pesticides in sesame seeds for export to United states of America (USA)’ which can be accessed here. Comments/Suggestions may be shared to this Department through email at on or before 12th August, 2024 at 04:00 PM.