369.05 lakh ha area coverage under paddy has been reported as compared to 349.49 lakh ha during the corresponding period of last year 120....
369.05 lakh ha area coverage under paddy has been reported as compared to 349.49 lakh ha during the corresponding period of last year
120.18 lakh ha area coverage under pulses has been reported compared to 113.69 lakh ha during the corresponding period of last year
New Delhi.
Asal baat News.
The Department of Agriculture & Farmers’ Welfare has released progress of area coverage under kharif crops as on 20th August 2024.
Area: In lakh hactare
S. No. |
Crop | Area Sown | |
2024 | 2023 | ||
1 | Paddy | 369.05 | 349.49 |
2 | Pulses | 120.18 | 113.69 |
a | Arhar | 45.78 | 40.74 |
b | Urdbean | 28.33 | 29.52 |
c | Moongbean | 33.24 | 30.27 |
d | Kulthi* | 0.20 | 0.24 |
e | Moth bean | 8.95 | 9.28 |
f | Other pulses | 3.67 | 3.63 |
3 | Shree Anna & Coarse Cereals | 181.11 | 176.39 |
a | Jowar | 14.62 | 13.75 |
b | Bajra | 66.91 | 69.70 |
c | Ragi | 7.56 | 7.04 |
d | Small millets | 4.79 | 4.66 |
e | Maize | 87.23 | 81.25 |
4 | Oilseeds | 186.77 | 185.13 |
a | Groundnut | 46.36 | 42.61 |
b | Soybean | 125.11 | 123.85 |
c | Sunflower | 0.70 | 0.65 |
d | Sesamum** | 10.55 | 11.35 |
e | Niger | 0.27 | 0.24 |
f | Castor | 3.74 | 6.38 |
g | Other Oilseeds | 0.04 | 0.05 |
5 | Sugarcane | 57.68 | 57.11 |
6 | Jute & Mesta | 5.70 | 6.56 |
7 | Cotton | 111.07 | 122.15 |
Total | 1031.56 | 1010.52 |